This is the story of the Monk who bought.-- who bought His Bullock Cart for his journey.
It is said curiosity Killed the cat.
The Monk initially did not have curiosity.
Over a period of time the Monk having thought about the world finally decided to tak 'Yatra'.
Yatra in Sanskrit means Journey. But the word 'Yatra' is having more significance than just Journey.
Yatra in Sanskrit means Journey. But the word 'Yatra' is having more significance than just Journey.
It is different types of 'Yatra's that he undertakes in his life. Like at Birth he takes initial 'Yatra' from mother's womb into this world of five elements. He graduates in the course of his studies which is in a 'Ashrama' -- School of Learning and takes 'Yatra' from home to the 'School of Learning'.
There after he takes 'Vihara Yatra' -- with his family - a picnic you may call it.
Having given the Progeny he sees their upbringing is proper and so takes the 'Yatra' of Responsible 'Parent hood'.
Later in the part of the life he takes the Vaanaprastashrama -- where he is supposed to exclude himself from the material world and aspire for the Eternal Almighty.
If we observe in all this course of journey he is traversing from one Cart into the other -- trying to change the cart to traverse the journey and later to transcend that.
So it is the Cart that he takes and the Bullock that pulls the cart is the wish of the Monkey that eventually turns towards the divine to reach the ultimate-- A wish that transforms him from an ordinary Monkey on to the Monk. Then when did he buy exactly the Bullock Cart for his Journey ?
Curiosity Kills the cat.