Body Mind & Soul

Buddham Saranam Gachaami

Body Mind and Soul

Since time Immemorial this subject is a very fascinating one.

Many subjugated the Body to find the Soul and Lot many subjugated Soul to find the essence of Mind !!

In the Gita Lord Krishna says " I am Time( Aham Kalosmi ) ".

If He is Time in that eternal Time where is the Body Mind and Soul ?

The Mind in many scriptures is compared to Monkey. And also it is compared to a Drunken Monkey at some times when the vagaries of Mind go beyond control or regulation.

When the 'K'ey Factor is missing in the Mon'k'ey it turns into a Medium of Exchange-- Money !!

When the M(aster) is stripped off the Monkey, it is 'On-key' !! A Robot is On-Key. It does Robotically. No sense of Purpose.

When the M(aster) who is the 'K'ey factor is retained and the I (ey) is stripped off, the Monkey transforms into The Monk !!

May the Monkey Lose its I !

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