Ten Sages of the World

Ten Sages of the World at Management Development Institute of Singapore(MDIS).
TheTen Sages of the World, granite sculpture featuring 10 great thinkers - & to bring them all to the Island Green City is the great job done by MDIS at one place - Isn't it Modern times paying tributes to Yester Year Masters & giving them their place of abode on this Island of Singapore!
In the Granite sculpture you can see:
Confucius, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle,Tiruvalluvar, Ibn Khaldoun, Samuel Johnson,Louis Pasteur, Maria Montessori and AlbertEinstein.
Far East Square Team.

I am The Deal Of the Day

When ever I see the Deals of the Day I am fascinated
Beautiy lies in the eyes of the Beholder
I prefer to give flowers as gifts
These flowers are from my Home & they are my Garden variety
I love Computer at Office.Electronics much interests
I do like modern fashion design clothingHealth is wealth
Taking care of this is prime.
I have a Baby who likes toys
My Outdoors & Sports are filled with fun and frolic
With all these its me, my home, my family and my world!
Far East Square Team

Education & Teaching

Anything new is always subject to resistance.
Education never stops
Education is a process of evoking knowledge from you, not giving you knowledge
Teaching is a process where you help the other person to learn.