Ten Sages of the World

Ten Sages of the World at Management Development Institute of Singapore(MDIS).
TheTen Sages of the World, granite sculpture featuring 10 great thinkers - & to bring them all to the Island Green City is the great job done by MDIS at one place - Isn't it Modern times paying tributes to Yester Year Masters & giving them their place of abode on this Island of Singapore!
In the Granite sculpture you can see:
Confucius, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle,Tiruvalluvar, Ibn Khaldoun, Samuel Johnson,Louis Pasteur, Maria Montessori and AlbertEinstein.
Far East Square Team.

I am The Deal Of the Day

When ever I see the Deals of the Day I am fascinated
Beautiy lies in the eyes of the Beholder
I prefer to give flowers as gifts
These flowers are from my Home & they are my Garden variety
I love Computer at Office.Electronics much interests
I do like modern fashion design clothingHealth is wealth
Taking care of this is prime.
I have a Baby who likes toys
My Outdoors & Sports are filled with fun and frolic
With all these its me, my home, my family and my world!
Far East Square Team

Education & Teaching

Anything new is always subject to resistance.
Education never stops
Education is a process of evoking knowledge from you, not giving you knowledge
Teaching is a process where you help the other person to learn.

Master Hsuan Hua

Recently read about Buddhist Master Hsuan Hua known for his Surangama Sutra!
The Master's Biography is really touching and contemplative. His talks on Dharma are poised with great wit at the same time containing in-depth knowledge.

Far East Square